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"Girl Power" TAG

Hello beauties. I know you're probably asking "Where the hell have you been?" Well, I don't really know why I haven't been posting for the past months, yes, I said months! I've just not been in the mood, I was kinda unmotivated but then my friends started telling me to start posting stuff again and started motivating me so here I am. Alright, today I'm doing the "Girl Power tag", I've been wanting to do this tag since I saw Selena Gomez doing it, I think it is inspiring and fun because at the end of the day, who run the world? Girls. I hope you enjoy it!

What does Girl Power mean to you?
When I think about "Girl Power" I think about confidence, being comfortable in your own skin and being able to go out and feel amazing about being yourselves. It's all about how you see yourself and how you want others to see you. Being able to cause an impression and waking up every day happy because you are you.

What is the best advice you can give to girls who want to be powerful?
I don't really have any advice, I mean, every girl should feel always powerful because we all are. You are you, and God made us this way for a reason, we should embrace what we have and if you feel like you can change something about yourself in order to feel better, just do it. You're in charge of your body it's up to you to work with what you have to make yourself happy.

If you could have any super power, what would it be and how would you use it?
It's really hard to choose just one, but If I could have any super power I think I would choose flying or healing. I think it would be amazing to just come up to someone who's in pain and be able to heal them.

Show us your best girl power (picture) pose.
I don't really now, I don't have just one picture with a girl power pose, just like Selena Gomez said, go on my instagram and then you'll see all my "girl power" poses haha.

What beauty product makes you feel powerful?
A product that makes me feel powerful... probably my eyeliner. I use winged out eyeliner almost everyday and I feel instantly more confident.

Why is it important to have power girls as role models?
I think it's important to have power girls as role models because if they're powerful, strong, confident and independent, and if you look up to them more likely you'll be more confident too. I think you should look up to them but never try to BE them. You are you and you're beautiful, just be yourself and be proud of what you are.

Alright, that's it for today. I hope you guys enjoyed and I'm sorry for not posting something for so long. I tag all of you girls to do this tag and then comment down below the link to it, I'd love to read it. Thank you so much for reading this, hope you have an amazing day and if you celebrate, happy carnival day! Also I want to thank you because I just reached 300 followers on bloglovin woot woot! Love you all!

My question for you: Who's your "Power girl" role model? 

Where else you can find me:              ♡   Instagram   ♡   tumblr   ♡   bloglovin   

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  1. Congratulations on reaching 300 followers, very much deserved :)
    My 'power girl' role model has to be my mumma!
    Great tag, it's awesome that you're spreading such a good message of self confidence, love and being yourself.
    (and welcome back!)
    L xo

  2. Thank you so much sweetie, my mum is my role model aswell! It's just what I think, every girl should feel confident and amazing in their own skin, that's the message I want to spread :) Hopefully I'll post at least once a week now, xoxo <3

  3. Love this post! xoxo

  4. I love this.Really looking foward to your other posts.Hope you will stop by.

    Thanks :3


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